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Find flavors by filtering criteria.



Return flavors that match all filtering criteria. Filtering criteria are flavor name. A request without filtering criteria returns all flavors contained in the catalog.


Path Parameters

    projectId stringrequired

    Project Identifier

Query Parameters

    name string

    Name of the resource.

    offset int32

    Default value: 0

    Requested pagination of response. The parameter offset is the index of the first element to retrieve. Zero is the first element of the collection.

    limit int32

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 100

    Requested pagination of response. The parameter limit is the maximum number of elements to retrieve (it can be greater than the actual available number of items).

    sort string

    Possible values: <= 100 characters, Value must match regular expression -?[A-Za-z0-9]+(?:,[A-Za-z0-9]+)*

    The list of field names to sort the result. Prefixing a field name with a "-" sign will indicate a descending order.

Header Parameters

    X-API-Key string

    Your SIU token if you use this API through Orange Developer.

    Authorization string

    Bearer access token authentication if you use this API through Orange Developer or Orange Developer Inside.

    X-Requester-Id string

    Your SIU Id if you use this API through Orange Developer Inside.



Response Headers

  • X-Total-Count


    Returns Pagination of response. The total number of items in the collection, after application of filters if any.

  • X-Result-Count


    The actual number of items contained in the response body. Note that it can be less than the requested "limit".


  • Array [

  • name stringrequired

    Unique resource name.

    description string

    Resource description.

  • ]
