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Find a job by its identifier



Get the job by its id in the path.


Path Parameters

    projectId stringrequired

    Project Identifier

    jobId stringrequired

    Job identifier

Header Parameters

    X-API-Key string

    Your SIU token if you use this API through Orange Developer.

    Authorization string

    Bearer access token authentication if you use this API through Orange Developer or Orange Developer Inside.

    X-Requester-Id string

    Your SIU Id if you use this API through Orange Developer Inside.




    id uuidrequired

    Id of the job

    hRef urirequired

    Href of the job.

    state JobStateEnum (string)required

    Possible values: [acknowledged, in-progress, completed, failed]

    • acknowledged: the request has been taken into account
    • in-progress: the process is in progress
    • completed: the process has been completed so you can request the virtual machine resource
    • failed: the process has failed
    description stringrequired

    Description of the job.

    createdDate date-timerequired

    Date when the job was created.

    requesterId stringrequired

    Id of the user who submitted the request.

    startProcessingDate date-timerequired

    Date when the job status changed to "in progress".

    endProcessingDate date-time

    Date when the job status changed to "completed" or "failed".



    Messages raised on the job.

  • Array [

  • code int32required

    Error code.

    message stringrequired

    Content of the message.

    description string

    Additional details.

  • ]
