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get routingPolicy



get routingPolicy


Path Parameters

    projectId stringrequired

    Project Identifier

    zoneName stringrequired

    Zone name

    routingPolicyId stringrequired




    name stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 40 characters, Value must match regular expression [A-Za-z0-9-]

    Unique resource name. This attribute can not be updated.

    description string

    Resource description



    Tags associated with the resource

    property name* string
    id uuidrequired

    Resource identifier.

    hRef urirequired

    Hypertext reference of the resource.

    createdDate date-timerequired

    Creation date of the resource.

    lastModifiedDate date-timerequired

    Date of the last modification of the resource.

    lastRequesterId stringrequired

    Identifier of the user of the last create/update/delete operation requested on the resource.

    provisioningState BasicStateEnum (string)required

    Possible values: [creating, updating, deleting, active, error]

    Provisioning state of the resource. Possible state:

    • creating: resource creation in progress
    • updating: resource update in progress
    • deleting: resource deletion in progress
    • active: resource created/updated successfully
    • error: resource in error because the last creation/update/deletion failed




    List of rules of the routing policy.

  • Array [

  • hRef stringrequired

    hRef to the Routing Policy rule details.

    name stringrequired

    Name of the routing policy rule. Must be unique within routing policy.

    description string

    Description of the routing policy rule.

    matchCommunityTags string[]

    Possible values: <= 10

    List of Community Tags to match.

    matchAllCommunityTags boolean

    Match only if all Community Tags are present.



    Possible values: <= 99

    List of VPN whose extended communities must be matched.

  • Array [

  • vpnName stringrequired

    VPN name. This attribute can not be updated.

    vnRole VPNRoleEnum (string)required

    Possible values: [any-to-any, client, server]

    VN role in the VPN.

  • ]

  • matchAllExtCommunityVpns boolean

    Match only if all extended communities are present.

    matchProtocols RoutingPolicyProtocolsEnum (string)[]

    Possible values: [bgpaas, bgp-bb, direct, static-interface-route, static-network-route], <= 9

    List of protocols to match.

    matchExactSubnetIps string[]

    Possible values: <= 10

    List of subnets to match (exact match only)

    matchOrlongerSubnetIps string[]

    Possible values: <= 10

    List of subnets to match (exact match or longer subnets)

    matchLongerSubnetIps string[]

    Possible values: <= 10

    Subnet to match list (longer subnets only)

    setCommunityTags string[]

    Possible values: <= 10

    List of Community Tags to set on the routes (this will replace the original list of Community Tags on the routes). NB: some Community Tags are protected and could be rejected.

    addCommunityTags string[]

    Possible values: <= 10

    List of Community Tags to add on the routes. NB: some Community Tags are protected and could be rejected.

    removeCommunityTags string[]

    Possible values: <= 10

    List of Community Tags to remove from the routes (does not apply to the Community Tags added by the same rule).



    Possible values: <= 99

    List of VPN whose extended communities must be set on the routes.

  • Array [

  • vpnName stringrequired

    VPN name. This attribute can not be updated.

    vnRole VPNRoleEnum (string)required

    Possible values: [any-to-any, client, server]

    VN role in the VPN.

  • ]

  • addExtCommunityVpns


    Possible values: <= 99

    List of VPN whose extended communities must be added to the routes.

  • Array [

  • vpnName stringrequired

    VPN name. This attribute can not be updated.

    vnRole VPNRoleEnum (string)required

    Possible values: [any-to-any, client, server]

    VN role in the VPN.

  • ]

  • removeExtCommunityVpns


    Possible values: <= 99

    List of VPN whose extended communities must be removed from the routes list.

  • Array [

  • vpnName stringrequired

    VPN name. This attribute can not be updated.

    vnRole VPNRoleEnum (string)required

    Possible values: [any-to-any, client, server]

    VN role in the VPN.

  • ]

  • expandAutonomousSystems string[]

    Possible values: <= 99

    List of Autonomous Systems (2 or 4 bytes) to add at the beginning of the Autonomous System path list (AS append).

    setLocalPreference int32

    Possible values: <= 100000

    Local preference to set.

    setMed int32

    Possible values: <= 100000

    MED to set

    action ActionEnum (string)

    Possible values: [reject, next, accept]

    Action on the flow

  • ]
