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Find virtual machines by searching criteria



Return virtual machines that match all searching criteria. Criteria are project identifier, virtual machine name, image identifier, virtual machine state.


Path Parameters

    projectId stringrequired

    Project Identifier

    zoneName stringrequired

    Zone name

Query Parameters

    name string

    Name of the resource.

    image string

    image name of the searched virtual machines

    provisioningState BasicStateEnum

    Possible values: [creating, updating, deleting, active, error]

    state of the searched virtual machines

    offset int32

    Default value: 0

    Requested pagination of response. The parameter offset is the index of the first element to retrieve. Zero is the first element of the collection.

    limit int32

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 100

    Requested pagination of response. The parameter limit is the maximum number of elements to retrieve (it can be greater than the actual available number of items).

    sort string

    Possible values: <= 100 characters, Value must match regular expression -?[A-Za-z0-9]+(?:,[A-Za-z0-9]+)*

    The list of field names to sort the result. Prefixing a field name with a "-" sign will indicate a descending order.

Header Parameters

    X-API-Key string

    Your SIU token if you use this API through Orange Developer.

    Authorization string

    Bearer access token authentication if you use this API through Orange Developer or Orange Developer Inside.

    X-Requester-Id string

    Your SIU Id if you use this API through Orange Developer Inside.



Response Headers

  • X-Total-Count


    Returns Pagination of response. The total number of items in the collection, after application of filters if any.

  • X-Result-Count


    The actual number of items contained in the response body. Note that it can be less than the requested "limit".


  • Array [

  • name stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 40 characters, Value must match regular expression [A-Za-z0-9-]

    Unique resource name. This attribute can not be updated.

    description string

    Resource description



    Tags associated with the resource

    property name* string
    id uuidrequired

    Resource identifier.

    hRef urirequired

    Hypertext reference of the resource.

    createdDate date-timerequired

    Creation date of the resource.

    lastModifiedDate date-timerequired

    Date of the last modification of the resource.

    lastRequesterId stringrequired

    Identifier of the user of the last create/update/delete operation requested on the resource.

    provisioningState BasicStateEnum (string)required

    Possible values: [creating, updating, deleting, active, error]

    Provisioning state of the resource. Possible state:

    • creating: resource creation in progress
    • updating: resource update in progress
    • deleting: resource deletion in progress
    • active: resource created/updated successfully
    • error: resource in error because the last creation/update/deletion failed
    virtualMachineState VirtualMachineStateEnum (string)required

    Possible values: [active, suspended]

    Operational state of the Virtual Machine.

    image string

    Virtual machine image. Name to be selected from the result of GET images. If not provided, a bootable volume ref must be provided.



    The class represents a reference to a unique resource in API. Such reference refers to an resource either by its identifier, or by its name, or by both.

    id uuid

    Identifier of the referred resource. If not provided, either name or hRef must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    name string

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 40 characters

    Name of the referred resource. If not provided, either hRef or identifier must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    hRef uri

    hRef of the referred resource. If not provided, either name or identifier must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    bootVolumeDiskBus bootVolumeDiskBusEnum (string)

    Possible values: [virtio, ide, scsi, usb]

    Type of the disk driver to use to boot on the Volume. Default value: virtio. To be used for exceptions. This attribute can not be updated.

    flavor stringrequired

    Virtual machine flavor name. Name to be selected from the result of GET flavors. This attribute can not be updated.



    The class represents a reference to a unique resource in API. Such reference refers to an resource either by its identifier, or by its name, or by both.

    id uuid

    Identifier of the referred resource. If not provided, either name or hRef must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    name string

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 40 characters

    Name of the referred resource. If not provided, either hRef or identifier must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    hRef uri

    hRef of the referred resource. If not provided, either name or identifier must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    configurationDrive boolean

    Use configuration drive at VM boot. Configuration drives are special drives that are attached to a VM instance when it boots.



    Map of key/value that can be passed to the VM without reboot. The maximum size of the metadata key and value is 255 bytes each. The total size limit is 65535 bytes.

    property name* string
    userData string

    VM boot configuration data encoded in Base64. Max length of decoded data = 65535 characters.

    userDataUpdatePolicy UserDataUpdatePolicyEnum (string)

    Possible values: [ignore, replace]

    Update policy for the parameter userData :

    • ignore : the modifications are recorded but no taken into account by the VNF
    • replace : the modifications are taken into account by the VNF through a rebuild



    The class represents a reference to a unique resource in API. Such reference refers to an resource either by its identifier, or by its name, or by both.

    id uuid

    Identifier of the referred resource. If not provided, either name or hRef must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    name string

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 40 characters

    Name of the referred resource. If not provided, either hRef or identifier must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    hRef uri

    hRef of the referred resource. If not provided, either name or identifier must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.



    List of Volumes to attach to the VM. Each Volume can be referenced by its identifier, its name, or its Hypertext reference.

  • Array [

  • id uuid

    Identifier of the referred resource. If not provided, either name or hRef must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    name string

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 40 characters

    Name of the referred resource. If not provided, either hRef or identifier must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    hRef uri

    hRef of the referred resource. If not provided, either name or identifier must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

  • ]

  • interfaces



    Possible values: >= 1

    List of interfaces of the virtual machine.

  • Array [

  • name stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 40 characters

    Name of the interface.

    description string

    Interface description

    hRef stringrequired

    Hypertext reference to the Interface details.

    enabled boolean

    Default value: true

    Enable the interface. The interface can be disabled/enabled by updating this parameter or by using the disable/enable actions. By default, the interface is enabled.




    The class represents a reference to a unique resource in API. Such reference refers to an resource either by its identifier, or by its name, or by both.

    id uuid

    Identifier of the referred resource. If not provided, either name or hRef must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    name string

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 40 characters

    Name of the referred resource. If not provided, either hRef or identifier must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    hRef uri

    hRef of the referred resource. If not provided, either name or identifier must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.




    Possible values: >= 1

    List of the IP addresses of the interface.

  • Array [

  • ipAddress stringrequired

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^(?:(?:(?:1\d{2}|[1-9]?\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])(?:\.(?!$)|$)){4})|(?:(?:(?:[a-f1-9A-F][a-fA-F\d]{1,3}|[a-fA-F\d])(?::(?!$)|$)){8})$

    IP address.

    family IpFamilyEnum (string)

    Possible values: [ipv4, ipv6]

    IP Family Enum (ipv6 not available yet).

    isIpLocal boolean

    Scope of the IP address:

    • "true": the IP address cannot be routed outside the local network (NB: not compatible with BGPaaS)
    • "false": the IP address can be routed outside the local network
  • ]

  • floatingIpAddress string

    Floating IP address reserved with Orange associated with the interface. Ipv4 only available for the moment.

    floatingPrivateIpAddress string

    Fixed IP address mapped to the public IP address used as floating IP



    List of the Security Groups to apply on the interface.

  • Array [

  • id uuid

    Identifier of the referred resource. If not provided, either name or hRef must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    name string

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 40 characters

    Name of the referred resource. If not provided, either hRef or identifier must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    hRef uri

    hRef of the referred resource. If not provided, either name or identifier must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

  • ]

  • allowedIpAddressPairs


    VRRP feature to define VIP IP

  • Array [

  • ipAddress stringrequired

    Virtual IP address.

    mode AddressPairModeEnum (string)

    Possible values: [active-active, active-standby]

    VRRP mode.

    macAddress string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[\da-fA-F]{2}(?:-[\da-fA-F]{2}){5}$

    MAC address associated to the Virtual IP address. If not provided, the MAC address of the active interface will be used.

  • ]

  • macAddress string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[\da-fA-F][02468aACEce](?:-[\da-fA-F]{2}){5}$

    Mac address of the interface. Only Unicast MAC addresses are accepted. If not provided, the MAC address will be calculated automatically from a md5 hash of the interface name.



    Interface loopback prefixe(s) and attributes to advertise.

  • Array [

  • prefix stringrequired

    Subnet in CIDR format.

    communityTags string[]

    Community Tags.

  • ]

  • subInterfaces


    Subinterfaces supported on the interface.

  • Array [

  • name stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 40 characters, Value must match regular expression [A-Za-z0-9-]

    Name of the subinterface. Must be unique for the interface. This attribute can not be updated.

    description string

    Possible values: <= 100 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[ -Za-zà-ë_]

    Subinterface description.

    enabled boolean

    Default value: true

    Enable the subinterface. The interface can be disabled/enabled by updating this parameter.




    The class represents a reference to a unique resource in API. Such reference refers to an resource either by its identifier, or by its name, or by both.

    id uuid

    Identifier of the referred resource. If not provided, either name or hRef must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    name string

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 40 characters

    Name of the referred resource. If not provided, either hRef or identifier must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    hRef uri

    hRef of the referred resource. If not provided, either name or identifier must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    vlanId int32required

    802.1Q VLAN tag (range [100-199] recommended). This attribute can not be updated.




    List of the IP addresses of the subinterface.

  • Array [

  • ipAddress stringrequired

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^(?:(?:(?:1\d{2}|[1-9]?\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])(?:\.(?!$)|$)){4})|(?:(?:(?:[a-f1-9A-F][a-fA-F\d]{1,3}|[a-fA-F\d])(?::(?!$)|$)){8})$

    IP address.

    family IpFamilyEnum (string)

    Possible values: [ipv4, ipv6]

    IP Family Enum (ipv6 not available yet).

    isIpLocal boolean

    Scope of the IP address:

    • "true": the IP address cannot be routed outside the local network (NB: not compatible with BGPaaS)
    • "false": the IP address can be routed outside the local network
  • ]

  • floatingIpAddress string

    The floating IP is used to configure 1-to-1 NAT on the subinterface. This parameter specifies the Public IP address to use for NAT. This attribute can not be updated.

    floatingPrivateIpAddress string

    The floating IP is used to configure 1-to-1 NAT on the subinterface. This parameter specifies the Private IP address to use for NAT in case multiple IP addresses have been configured (this is recommended in this case, otherwise the private IP address will be selected randomly).



    The class represents a reference to a unique resource in API. Such reference refers to an resource either by its identifier, or by its name, or by both.

    id uuid

    Identifier of the referred resource. If not provided, either name or hRef must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    name string

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 40 characters

    Name of the referred resource. If not provided, either hRef or identifier must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.

    hRef uri

    hRef of the referred resource. If not provided, either name or identifier must be filled. This parameter can not be updated.



    List of Virtual IP addresses (VRRP protocol).

  • Array [

  • ipAddress stringrequired

    Virtual IP address.

    mode AddressPairModeEnum (string)

    Possible values: [active-active, active-standby]

    VRRP mode.

    macAddress string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[\da-fA-F]{2}(?:-[\da-fA-F]{2}){5}$

    MAC address associated to the Virtual IP address. If not provided, the MAC address of the active interface will be used.

  • ]

  • macAddress string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[\da-fA-F][02468aACEce](?:-[\da-fA-F]{2}){5}$

    Mac address of the subinterface. Only Unicast MAC addresses are accepted. If not provided, the MAC address will be calculated automatically from a md5 hash of the subinterface name.



    Subinterface loopback prefixe(s) and attributes to advertise.

  • Array [

  • prefix stringrequired

    Subnet in CIDR format.

    communityTags string[]

    Community Tags.

  • ]

  • bgpaas


    BGPAAS option

    autonomousSystem int32required

    Peer Autonomous System (2 or 4 bytes). Modifying it will cause a BGP flap.

    adminSessionState AdminSessionStateEnum (string)

    Possible values: [up, down]

    Bgpaas session admin state.

    asOverride boolean

    AS override replaces all occurrences of the peer ASN in the AS-path with the system AS. NB: This is a tricky option, do not use without prior knowledge.

    localAutonomousSystem int32

    Local Autonomous System used for this particular session. If configured, this overrides the backbone Autonomous System. Modifying it will cause a BGP flap.

    bgpAddressFamilies BGPAddressFamilyEnum (string)[]

    Possible values: [inet, inet6]

    List of BGP address families supported on this session (v6 is implemented according to RFC 2545). By default, this list contains only "inet"

    maxRoutes int32

    Default value: 10000

    Maximum number of BGP routes allowed by the BGPaaS session. This attribute can not be updated.

    loopCount int32

    Possible values: <= 3

    Default value: 0

    Allows the vRouter to accept its own AS system in the AS path, a certain number of times defined by the loop count.

    holdTime int32

    Possible values: >= 45 and <= 65535

    Default value: 60

    BGP hold time (standard BGP) (seconds). Max time to detect liveliness of peer.

  • ]

  • bgpaas


    BGPAAS option

    autonomousSystem int32required

    Peer Autonomous System (2 or 4 bytes). Modifying it will cause a BGP flap.

    adminSessionState AdminSessionStateEnum (string)

    Possible values: [up, down]

    Bgpaas session admin state.

    asOverride boolean

    AS override replaces all occurrences of the peer ASN in the AS-path with the system AS. NB: This is a tricky option, do not use without prior knowledge.

    localAutonomousSystem int32

    Local Autonomous System used for this particular session. If configured, this overrides the backbone Autonomous System. Modifying it will cause a BGP flap.

    bgpAddressFamilies BGPAddressFamilyEnum (string)[]

    Possible values: [inet, inet6]

    List of BGP address families supported on this session (v6 is implemented according to RFC 2545). By default, this list contains only "inet"

    maxRoutes int32

    Default value: 10000

    Maximum number of BGP routes allowed by the BGPaaS session. This attribute can not be updated.

    loopCount int32

    Possible values: <= 3

    Default value: 0

    Allows the vRouter to accept its own AS system in the AS path, a certain number of times defined by the loop count.

    holdTime int32

    Possible values: >= 45 and <= 65535

    Default value: 60

    BGP hold time (standard BGP) (seconds). Max time to detect liveliness of peer.

  • ]

  • ]
