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Standard Public Cloud Co - Create

To instantiate a cloud connector, you must follow the above steps in the order described.

1. Retrieve technical VPN Id (vpnId)

GET https://{envUri}/api/v1/projects/{projectId}/network/virtualprivatenetworks

URI Parameters

envUripathtruestringUrl of the target platform.
projectIdpathtruestringThe project identifier which uniquely identify your project in Evolution Platform.


Other Status CodesErrorUnexpected error.

Response body example

"id": "2846fd1f-75f6-4e79-94af-368be950e79c",
"name": "VPNName1",
"description": "VPN Name 1",
"networkType": "BVPN"
"id": "351cd244-37b3-41b4-8b7a-a8576862820d",
"name": "VPNName1",
"description": "VPN Name 2",
"networkType": "BVPN"
"id": "93b22b3c-fd7e-4c04-87cb-52df45fe6beb",
"name": "VPNName3,
"description": "VPN Name 3",
"networkType": "BVPN"

{technicalVpnId} is associated to one of the "id" field inside list of the Technical VPN of the response.

Example : {technicalVpnId} = "93b22b3c-fd7e-4c04-87cb-52df45fe6beb"

2. Retrieve Point Of Presence Id (popId)

GET https://{envUri}/api/v1/network/pointsofpresence/ipsec?limit=20&offset=0

URI Parameters

envUripathtruestringUrl of the target platform.
limitqueryfalseintegerThe limit query parameter specifies the number of resources that a single response page contains.
offsetqueryfalseintegerThe offset query parameter is used to exclude from a response the first N items of a resource collection.


Other Status CodesErrorUnexpected error.

Response body example

"popDisplayname": "Pop 1",
"popName": "POP-1",
"popId": "P1",
"popCountryCode": "FR"
"popDisplayname": "Pop 2",
"popName": "POP-2",
"popId": "P2",
"popCountryCode": "UK"
"popDisplayname": "Pop 3",
"popName": "DE-3",
"popId": "DE3",
"popCountryCode": "DE"
"popDisplayname": "Pop 4",
"popName": "POP-4",
"popId": "POP4",
"popCountryCode": "NL"
"popDisplayname": "Pop 5",
"popName": "POP-5",
"popId": "P5",
"popCountryCode": "US"

{popId} is associated to one of the "popId" field inside list of the POP of the response.

Example : {popId} = "POP4"

3. Retrieve Azure Credentials Id

GET https://{envUri}/api/v1/projects/{projectId}/azure/credentials?limit=20&offset=0

URI Parameters

envUripathtruestringUrl of the target platform.
projectIdpathtruestringThe project identifier which uniquely identify your project in Evolution Platform.


200 OKCredentialOK
Other Status CodesErrorUnexpected error.

Response body example

"id": "b1c3d7b8-f249-4a25-9f26-02682bbad4f3",
"projectId": "{projectId}",
"name": "Azure_Credential_1",
"csp": "AZURE",
"description": "My Azure credentials 1",
"projectName": "MyAzureProjectName 1",
"expirationDate": "YYYY-MM-DD"
"id": "a2b3d7b8-f249-4a25-9f26-02682bbad4f3",
"projectId": "{projectId}",
"name": "Azure_Credential_2",
"csp": "AZURE",
"description": "My Azure credentials 2",
"projectName": "MyAzureProjectName 2",
"expirationDate": "YYYY-MM-DD"

{azureCredentialId} is associated to one of the "id" field inside list of the Azure Credential of the response.

Example : {azureCredentialId} = "b1c3d7b8-f249-4a25-9f26-02682bbad4f3"

4. Retrieve the Azure Region

GET https://{envUri}/api/v1/projects/{projectId}/azure/regions?azureCspCredentialId={azureCredentialId}

URI Parameters

envUripathtruestringUrl of the target platform.
projectIdpathtruestringThe project identifier which uniquely identify your project in Evolution Platform.
azureCredentialIdquerytruestringThe Azure Credential Identifier, which uniquely identifies your credentials in Evolution Platform and was retrieved in a previous step.


200 OKRegionOK
Other Status CodesErrorUnexpected error.

Response body example

"name": "asia",
"displayName": "Asia"
"name": "asiapacific",
"displayName": "Asia Pacific"
"name": "australia",
"displayName": "Australia"
"name": "australiacentral",
"displayName": "Australia Central"
"name": "northeurope",
"displayName": "North Europe"



The value of the name field in the Azure Region list of the response is linked to the {azureRegion}.

Example : {azureRegion} = "northeurope"

5. Retrieve the Azure resource group

GET https://{envUri}/api/v1/projects/{projectId}/azure/resourcegroups?azureCspCredentialId={azureCredentialId}&azureRegion={azureRegion}

URI Parameters

envUripathtruestringUrl of the target platform.
projectIdpathtruestringThe project identifier which uniquely identify your project in Evolution Platform.
azureCredentialIdquerytruestringThe Azure Credential Identifier which uniquely identify your credentials in Evolution Platform and was retrieved in a previous step.
azureRegionquerytruestringThe Azure Region Identifier which uniquely identify the Azure Region in Evolution Platform and was retrieved in a previous step.


200 OKResource GroupOK
Other Status CodesErrorUnexpected error.

Response body example

"name": "rg-1",
"location": "northeurope"
"name": "rg-2",
"location": "northeurope"
"name": "rg-3",
"location": "northeurope"
"name": "rg-4",
"location": "northeurope"

The value of the name field in the Azure Resource Group list of the response is linked to the {azureResourceGroup}.

Example : {azureResourceGroup} = "rg-3"

6. Retrieve the Azure Virtual Network

GET https://{envUri}/api/v1/projects/{projectId}/network/virtualprivatenetworks

URI Parameters

envUripathtruestringUrl of the target platform.
projectIdpathtruestringThe project identifier which uniquely identify your project in Evolution Platform.


200 OKVirtual networkOK
Other Status CodesErrorUnexpected error.

Response body example


"id": "f6072903-de58-4435-bd01-515e6b28f452",
"name": "vnet-01",
"description": "vnet-01",
"networkType": "BVPN"
"id": "c9afb3f8-b080-4323-b374-71214d0e0e0a",
"name": "vnet-02",
"description": "vnet-02",
"networkType": "BVPN"
"id": "64e9af24-738a-4e94-84ee-15131432b246",
"name": "vnet-03",
"description": "vnet-03",
"networkType": "BVPN"



The value of the name field in the Azure Virtual Network list of the response is linked to the {vnetName}.

Example : {vnetName} = "vnet-02"

7. Create the cloud connector

POST https://{envUri}/api/v1/projects/{projectId}/azure/cloudconnectors/publicstandarddynamics

URI Parameters

envUripathtruestringUrl of the target platform.
projectIdpathtruestringThe project identifier which uniquely identify your project in Evolution Platform.

Body content

nametrueStringName of the cloud connector
statetrueStringExpected state of Cloud connector. Set value to ACTIVE to create cloud connector in active state
bandWidthtrueStringBandwidth of the cloud connector. Value must be: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 or 1000
technicalVpnIdtrueuuidIdentifier of the Orange Business Technical VPN
azureCredentialIdtrueuuidIdentifier of the Azure Credential in Evolution Plaform
primaryPopLocalizationtrueStringLocalization of the primary Point Of Presence associated with the cloud connectorr
azureRegiontrueStringIdentifier of the Azure Region
resourceGroupNametrueStringName of the Azure Resource Group
vnetNametrueStringName of the Orange Business Virtual Network
azureGatewaySubnettrueStringValue of the Azure Gateway Subnet
azureAsntrueIntegerValue of the Azure AS Number. The parameter range is between is 64512 to 65534, Azure AS Number 65515 to 65520 are excluded as they are used by Microsoft Azure for internal purpose.
networkSideAsntrueIntegerValue of the Orange Business Network AS Number. The parameter range is between is 64512 to 65534, Azure AS Number 65515 to 65520 are excluded as they are used by Microsoft Azure for internal purpose.
networkSideGatewaySubnettrueIntegerValue of the Orange Business Network Gateway Subnet


200 OKCloud ConnectorOK
Other Status CodesErrorUnexpected error.


nameStringName of the cloud connector
stateStringExpected state of Cloud connector. Set value to ACTIVE to create cloud connector in active state
projectNameStringName of the project in Evolution Platform
projectIduuidIdentifier of the project in Evolution Platform
bandWidthStringBandwidth of the cloud connector. Value must be: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 or 1000
technicalVpnIduuidIdentifier of the Orange Business Technical VPN
azureCredentialIduuidIdentifier of the Azure Credential in Evolution Plaform
primaryPopLocalizationStringPrimary pop localization of the cloud connector
azureRegionStringIdentifier of the Azure Region
resourceGroupNameStringName of the Azure Resource Group
vnetNameStringName of the Orange Business Virtual Network
azureGatewaySubnetStringValue of the Azure Gateway Subnet
azureAsnIntegerValue of the Azure AS Number. The parameter range is between is 64512 to 65534, Azure AS Number 65515 to 65520 are excluded as they are used by Microsoft Azure for internal purpose.
networkSideAsnIntegerValue of the Orange Business Network AS Number. The parameter range is between is 64512 to 65534, Azure AS Number 65515 to 65520 are excluded as they are used by Microsoft Azure for internal purpose.
networkSideGatewaySubnetIntegerValue of the Orange Business Network Gateway Subnet
workflowExecutionIdIntegerIdentifier of the workflow
workflowExecutionStatusStringStatus of the workflow

Example : create connector in active mode


POST https://{envUri}/api/v1/projects/{projectId}/azure/cloudconnectors/publicstandarddynamics

"name": "Connection to PARIS",
"projectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"azureCredentialId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"azureRegion": "northeurope",
"resourceGroupName": "rg-3",
"vnetName": "vnet-02",
"primaryPopLocalization": "POP4",
"bandWidth": 50,
"azureAsn": 64512,
"networkSideAsn": 64513,


HTTP 200
Content: application/json

"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"name": "Connection to PARIS",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"projectName": "Demo",
"projectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"bandWidth": 50,
"technicalVpnId": "93b22b3c-fd7e-4c04-87cb-52df45fe6beb",
"azureCredentialId": "b1c3d7b8-f249-4a25-9f26-02682bbad4f3",
"primaryPopLocalization": "POP4",
"azureRegion": "northeurope",
"resourceGroupName": "rg-3",
"vnetName": "vnet-02",
"azureGatewaySubnet": "",
"azureAsn": 64512,
"networkSideAsn": 64513,
"networkSideGatewaySubnet": "",
"workflowExecutionId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"workflowExecutionStatus": "CREATED"


The field state will be PROVISIONING during the creation phase, when the cloud connector is ready the state will be ACTIVE.

Go to Get tutorial to check the status of the cloud connector:

Example : create connector in designed mode


POST https://{envUri}/api/v1/projects/{projectId}/azure/cloudconnectors/publicstandarddynamics

"name": "Connection to PARIS",
"projectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"azureCredentialId": "b1c3d7b8-f249-4a25-9f26-02682bbad4f3",
"azureRegion": "northeurope",
"resourceGroupName": "rg-3",
"vnetName": "vnet-02",
"primaryPopLocalization": "POP4",
"bandWidth": 50,
"azureAsn": 64512,
"networkSideAsn": 64513,


HTTP 200
Content: application/json

"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"name": "Connection to PARIS",
"state": "DESIGNING",
"projectName": "Demo",
"projectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"bandWidth": 50,
"technicalVpnId": "93b22b3c-fd7e-4c04-87cb-52df45fe6beb",
"azureCredentialId": "b1c3d7b8-f249-4a25-9f26-02682bbad4f3",
"primaryPopLocalization": "POP4",
"azureRegion": "northeurope",
"resourceGroupName": "rg-3",
"vnetName": "vnet-02",
"azureGatewaySubnet": "",
"azureAsn": 64512,
"networkSideAsn": 64513,
"networkSideGatewaySubnet": "",
"workflowExecutionId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"workflowExecutionStatus": "CREATED"

The field state will be DESIGNING during the creation phase, when the cloud connector is ready the state will be DESIGNED.

Go to Get tutorial to check the status of the cloud connector: