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Public Cloud Connectivity - Create

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to provision or designed an Azure cloud connector. Let's get started!

1. Select the Azure cloud connector menu

Azure cloud connector selection in lateral menu

2. Go to Add new connectivity

Azure cloud dashboard page

3. Fill in the First Settings Form

  1. Define a name,
  2. Select an existing project for a cloud connectors hosting the Cloud connector.
  3. Identify whether you need a single or HA (High Availability) cloud connectivity (cf. flavors description in Public cloud connector),
  4. Click on Next button
Azure cloud connectivity settings form

4.Select the Cloud credentials

Select the Cloud credentials to be used for the Azure VNET resources to reach, then select the Azure region, resource group and VNET.

For information on Cloud credentials see Cloud credentials section then Click on Next button

Cloud credential configuration

If a VNET is already used with a VPN gateway, it won’t be displayed in the VNET list.


The resource group and VNET are retrieved from the customer Azure environment linked to the Cloud credentials selected.

5. Define the Orange POP and network settings

Define the Orange POP from which you want to build the Cloud connector, (standard connection One POP, for HA select primary and secondary) and define the bandwidth you need for it.

Select the existing and known VPN on which you want to connect the cloud connector.

Indicate the network settings to be used.

Azure ASN (AS Number)BGP Private ASN allocated by the customer to identify AZURE IP routes announced to Orange Business Network. This ASN has to be unique in the whole customer network. Private ASN range is 64512 to 6553. 65515 to 65520 are excluded as there are used by Microsoft Azure for internal use.
Network ASN (AS Number)BGP Private ASN allocated by the customer to identify Orange Business IP routes announced to AZURE Network. This ASN has to be unique in the whole customer network. Private ASN range is 64512 to 65535. 65515 to 65520 are excluded as there are used by Microsoft Azure for internal use.
Network Gateway SubnetA /29 IPv4 address allocated by the customer. This /29 have to be unique in the whole customer private network (including VNET/VPC in Cloud)
Azure Gateway Subneta /27 IPv4 address subnet for VPNGW addressing within the VNET addressing plan in AZURE. CIDR notation (i.e something like
Connectivity parameters

6. Get the Recap of parameters

Get a recap and review all parameters previously entered. Review your Orange price and Azure public price for the VNET gateway instantiated on your Azure cloud to perform the IPSec cloud connectivity.

If you want to modify one of the parameters, you can use the pen button.

Project selection in credential list

7. Provision or Save as “Designed”

Project selection in credential list

Click on Provision to directly deploy the cloud connector, Save as designed if you want to provision the cloud connector later.

When clicking on Provision, the screen below will appear, indicating the cloud connector is being provisioned.

Provision confirmation

Provisioning may take between 30 minutes and 1 hour.

When you choose Save as Designed your cloud connector is not deployed and running yet and can still be modified.

Save as designed confirmation

If you click on Back to the dashboard, you can follow the deployment by clicking on the workflow/status icon.

Refer to Execution workflow section.

Deployment listing

The green icons indicate that the Cloud Connectors are active.

In a click you can access the latest workflow execution details.

See Inventory and Execution workflow for details.